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Telesign COVID-19 – Message To Customers

17 3 月, 2020

Telesign Team
Image with Telesign's logo

Dear Telesign Customer,In times of uncertainty, it is important for us to reassure you that Telesign is 100% operational so that you have one less thing to worry about. Here at Telesign, we have taken all necessary steps to ensure that there will be no interruption to our service platform, as well as the best-in-class service that you have been accustomed to. Simply put, we are open for business as usual.The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) situation is unprecedented. We have a robust Business Continuity Plan (BCP) and Coronavirus Action Plan (CAP), and we have put our continuity and readiness plans in action. At Telesign, nothing is more important than the health, safety and continued success of all of our global stakeholders. These include employees, vendors and the valued clients we work with on a daily basis. While pandemics of this nature are unpredictable, we have taken precautionary steps to reduce the spread of illness in our workplace, and we are fully prepared to continue to provide uninterrupted service to our clients.

Telesign remains operational and has put a plan in effect to ensure business continuity through the end of the current outbreak. Though we have suspended business travel, your dedicated customer success manager remains available to you as does Telesign’s robust support network.Our entire organization is fully equipped to work from home and will continue to support your needs from a virtual location.

  • Our Data Centers are globally distributed, and our Disaster Recovery Plan is well-tested by shifting traffic between Data Centers on a regular basis.
  • Our 24×7 Support and Customer Success teams are also globally distributed and are fully staffed to provide the high quality, results-oriented service you have come to expect from our team.
  • Our technical teams operate on a “follow the sun” model and are fully staffed to support the infrastructure and meet demands during any event, including traffic spikes due to increased work from home usage.

Telesign will continue to follow this fluid situation and follow recommendations from the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease Control. We urge all of the members of the Telesign family to stay vigilant as we look to move past this situation.
Lastly, thank you for your trust and confidence in us during this turbulent time. Keep healthy, keep safe, follow the WHO directives, and contact our 24×7 Support or your Customer Success Manager if we can be of any help. #TelesignTogetherBest,
Ryan Disraeli, CEO, Telesign