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Telesign Continuous Trust Authority™: The source for digital trust

Telesign Team
Telesign Team
10 5 月, 2023

A wise person once said that trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair. This is something we take to heart as a company, which is why we have launched the Telesign Continuous Trust™ Authority an initiative to help make the digital world a safer place, every day. Trust is a journey that must be cultivated on a regular basis and throughout the end-user experience. The Continuous Trust Authority™ is your intelligence source for how to build and maintain trust, while reducing fraud in the digital economy.

An extension of our dedication to Continuous Trust™

If you’ve been following Telesign, you’ve probably heard us talk about Building Continuous Trust Across Digital Experiences. It’s a core part of our brand promise. Telesign connects, protects and defends companies, customers and the digital interactions between them.​ We enable Continuous Trust™ with powerful machine learning that delivers identity with speed, accuracy and global reach, and with the Continuous Trust™ Authority, we are expanding our commitment to trust by inviting brands to play a bigger role. We know many of our customers share the same desire to foster trusted relationships with their end-users. Let’s strive to earn their trust together.

Continuous Trust™ Authority pillars

The Continuous Trust™ Authority initiative is comprised of three key offerings that help round out the charter to be the hub for the latest information on fighting fraud and building trust. These pillars are:

  • Trust Index – An annual primary research report aimed at studying trends in consumer trust and the impact on brands. The research will provide insights to help companies prioritize the protection of customer data and privacy.  
  • Trust Certified Badge – Provides businesses a visual way to reassure their customers that they have complied with stringent fraud protection standards.
  • Trust Alliance – A group of thought leaders, including Chief Trust Officers and other experts in the trust and digital identity spaces, who will share best practices on fraud detection and prevention to inspire innovation and help brands develop more trusted digital platforms. 

Next steps in your trust journey

Stay tuned for more information, coming soon, on how your company can be a part of these exciting programs. But for now, hop over to our Continuous Trust Authority page for more information and to get started on your quest today.

For additional background on how Continuous Trust™ works in the real world, check out this video: